Friday, April 27, 2018

10 Simple Ways to Lose Weight! The People Want to be Thin

10 Simple Ways to Lose Weight! The People Want to be Thin

Let's get it, but it does not work. Food control Exercise already. The following is a small technique if intended. Ensure that you lose weight as you want.

1. Take note
    If you are serious about losing weight. Write down the food you eat each day. It is very important. Write down the food you eat. Your emotions while eating. And if possible Make note of that day you exercise. Or increased motion? When you look back You may see "Something" that you may have overlooked. "What did we eat? Or is it? Can you cut this calorie? "

Recording is a very powerful weight loss aid. Start taking note of the foods you eat. Each day at least once a day.

2. Exercise
    Let's move on. Exercise reduces the amount of food you eat and reduces hunger. It is recommended to exercise "40 minutes 4 days a week" for only 40 minutes.

Experts have suggested that if you stop your behavior. No matter if you stop exercising. Or stop eating Weight will be restored again. The way to make you stick to the behavior is to find a "weight loss partner. Friends with the same weight loss goal ", which will encourage and encourage each other.

3. Eat more calcium.
    Eating more calcium helps to lose weight faster. Strengthen the bones. And prevent osteoporosis. Calcium sources are common, such as small fish that can be eaten by bone, dried shrimp or dairy products such as yogurt, and are good if you choose low-fat milk.

4. Protein in every meal.
    There are many researches. That eating protein helps maintain muscle. And reduce the amount of fat during weight loss. That's because The amino acid that the body does not synthesize itself. Must get from the diet to help maintain the muscular condition during weight loss. And the maintenance of muscle helps to burn energy.

5. Breakfast
You can lose weight just by eating breakfast. People who have been starving for breakfast lose more weight. Why? That is because eating breakfast keeps the level of hormones that accelerate metabolism.

6. Try to eat 4-5 hours.
    Fasting Makes You Hungry And weaken your mind. You can not fight it. Eat at least 3 servings a day. Eating fast can help you control hunger.

Eating more often does not mean you can eat more. If you eat 3 meals 600k calories + 2 snacks 400k calories, that is 3200 kilo calories, how you can not lose weight.

But let's break down each of the smaller meals, such as 400 kcal x3 meals + 200 kcal per meal, enough to see the picture right? How should you control your calories each day?

7. Gradual
    Normally, weight loss is more achievable if done correctly. "Gradual" about 0.5 kg per week The weight loss gradually. Weight loss is fat, not water, not muscle.

In general, I usually recommend lowering calorie intake by at least 500-1000 kilocalories per day. Combined with exercise

8. Find a partner to lose weight.
    Weight loss partner will help you. And will help maintain the eating and exercise habits. Find someone with the same goals as you. Afterwards, help find the eating habits too. And too little exercise of both. And how do you think it will change the behavior?

9. Rainbow Food
    The rainbow food I am talking about means vegetables and fruits, low calorie and no fat. It contains fiber, vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin K, folic acid, potassium. The more you eat, the more rainbow color. The more health benefits only. It also protects against colon cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

Brownies and whole grains contain fiber that is digested and absorbed more slowly. The fat is less. So you recommend eating brown rice or rice.

10. Give a reward to yourself.
      If you follow and reach goals like losing 5 kilograms, you should reward yourself. Educate yourself that rewarding yourself will stay with the program longer than just "Do not use food as a reward". You may reward yourself with watching movies. Or go to rest

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